
Our brewery building in Valmez has never been called otherwise than the Worker’s House. It may not be the oldest pub in town, but the beer has been drawn here from the very beginning until today. Worker's House in Valasske Mezirici, the construction, consumption and economy cooperation, applied for a permission to build a Community House in 1934, which would have a theater and a gymnastic hall, in addition to the dining room, and also for a hospitality concession.

Despite the protests of the Innkeepers Fellowship, who evidently feared competition, Dělňák received the permission and concession in the same year. Its activity was interrupted by the war in 1942 and again, despite the disapproval of other innkeepers, restored in 1946. There were 34 pubs per 10 thousand inhabitants in the town then, representing 294 people per one pub. The high number of restaurants had already marked a very positive attitude of Valmez citizens towards beer. However, since its opening, the Workers' House was not so popular because of the pub only, but because of the theater association too. The theater was played here until 1952, when the property was transferred to the Company Club of ROH (Revolutionary Trade Union Movement) of the Tonak Company in Valasske Mezirici. Since that time, besides drinking beer, people just practiced there.